the Internet home of Mishael Austin Witty, author of romance, suspense, And more!
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Author Mishael Austin Witty is known for her independently published works. In addition, she is a talented ghostwriter who has produced exceptional fiction and nonfiction, helping others bring their stories to life. She currently has a sweet romance novel under contract with Elk Lake Publishing.
During the past two decades as an editor, she has honed her skills in crafting compelling narratives and refining manuscripts and journal articles to perfection. Her diverse educational background in psychology, music, and teaching English as a Second Language enables her to help others navigate the literary world with compassion and creativity. When she’s not working on her latest project, Mishael enjoys exploring new ideas and inspiring fellow writers along their literary journeys.

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Welcome to Mishael Austin witty’s website
Ghostwriter, Author, Editor
Discover captivating romance, suspense, and historical fiction.
Access editing and writing tips and tricks.
Give your work a professional boost to get your message out to the world.

Sweet contemporary romance

Well-researched, exciting historical fiction

Nail-biting, heart-pounding suspense

Exceptional proofreading, editing, and ghostwriting services
Have questions?
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to go to my services and pricing page, where i answer even more faqs.
Have a question that hasn’t been answered yet? Send me an email or facebook message!
How does the editing process work?
First, send me an email introducing yourself and the work you need done (including the word count and the level of editing desired). I’ll respond to confirm my availability. At that point, I’ll send you an editing contract. When you sign and return the contract, you will also need to send a PayPal payment of 25% of the total cost (unless the job is for a blog post, short story, or single chapter, in which case the full payment will be necessary before the job begins). Once I receive payment, I will start editing, and I’ll update you frequently throughout the process. You are, of course, free to email me with questions at any time.
What files do you accept for editing?
Honestly, I prefer Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx). I find using the Track Changes feature easier both for me as editor and you as author. I have, however, used Google Docs in a similar fashion. So, feel free to send me your manuscript in that format. I have also edited PDFs before, but I find that process to be extremely tedious. If you send me a PDF, I will most likely convert it to DOCX format.
I’m not above typing as I edit, so if you want to go old school and mail a handwritten manuscript with a paper check, I can work with that. I will charge an extra $8 per page, though.
Using a typewriter? I’ll edit those pages and turn them into a computer file that can be easily emailed to any agent or publisher, or uploaded onto Amazon. Same per page surcharge applies.
You mail the manuscript to me at your own expense, and I will mail it back to you at my expense.
How do I know you won’t steal my work?
I understand you may have reservations about sending your manuscript (which you’ve likely slaved and worried over for weeks, if not years) to a complete stranger to have them look over it. I have no intention of stealing your work, and I really can’t. When you send your file through email over to me, there’s a time and date stamp that shows you owned your words before I ever got my hands on them. If you’ve saved your file at any time on your computer while you were working on it, you’ve got time and date stamps on all of those versions. You have proof positive you own your words. Even if I wasn’t committed to honesty and integrity in my business practices, it wouldn’t be worth my time and effort to try to pretend otherwise.
Sending a handwritten or typewritten manuscript? You can use the postmark as proof you own the copyright to your work.
What kind of editing/writing help do you provide?
I offer several different types of editing and writing services.
- Proofreading – If your manuscript has previously undergone developmental, copy, and/or line editing, this is the level of edit you want to select. Because it isn’t as involved as the others, I only charge 60% of my usual prices for a proofread: $30 for short works; $360 for novellas, novels, and long nonfiction; $600 for longer novels and nonfiction.
- Copyediting – This level of edit includes checks for spelling, grammar, word usage, and punctuation. It may be light, moderate, or heavy, depending on what shape we agree your manuscript is in after the sample edit.
- Line Editing – Includes a line by line and sometimes even word by word check of flow, clarity, style, and tone.
- Developmental Editing – a “big picture” edit. Some line edits or copyedits may be included. This is the level of edit you want if your manuscript has not yet been checked by someone else.
- Beta Reading/Manuscript Critique – I offer paid beta reading services. Because I am reading and not correcting your document, I only charge 30% of my usual price. $15 for short works; $180 for novellas, novels, and long nonfiction; $300 for longer novels and nonfiction. Manuscript critiques cost slightly more: $20 for short works; $240 for novellas, novels, and long nonfiction; $400 for longer novels and nonfiction.
- Ghostwriting (see Services and Pricing for more information)
- Fact Checking – Historical fiction and nonfiction authors will especially find this service useful, but others may also benefit. I charge $30 an hour for this. If you order this in addition to an edit, I will discount this by 50%. Fact checking and all research is included in ghostwriting packages.
What editing tools do you use?
I have paid access to CMOS online. I also have the PerfectIt software downloaded and working inside my Microsoft Word program. PerfectIt checks for various stylistic and formatting issues. It also ensures that consistency is maintained throughout your document.
In addition, I am a lifetime AutoCrit subscriber. AutoCrit checks for a number of pesky writing issues, including:
- Pacing
- Dialog tags
- Adverbs in dialog and in general
- Passive indicators
- Showing vs. telling
- Cliches
- Generic descriptors
- Unnecessary filler words
Do you offer manuscript formatting?
Yes, I do! I have helped several authors get their edited self-published works uploaded to Amazon.
I have also helped hundreds of academic authors format their articles for submission to various major journals. In addition to CMOS, I am very familiar with APA and other formatting styles. If you tell me the name of your target journal, I can look up their submission guidelines to ensure your manuscript meets all the requirements.
Here are my prices formatting:
- Short stories and journal articles – $30
- Novellas and short nonfiction – $50
- Novels and nonfiction up to 65,000 words – $100
- Novels and nonfiction up to 150,000 words – $150
Let’s Talk
Contact me to help with your current writing/editing project.
“Thanks for catching that continuity issue, so I don’t look stupid. And I love your suggestions for changing the ending. Makes everything so much better. I plan on using your services again and again,”
Patti J. Smith, author of Grave Obsessions
Highly Recommended
“Mishael took great care in attending to all language and formatting issues. My article is ready for submission. I’ll be sure to have her edit my next article, and I am telling all my colleagues about her exceptional editing and formatting services.”
Anonymous Editage user
Outstanding editing and formatting feedback
“Thanks to you, Mishael, I was able to get both Lindy on the Oregon Trail and The Crossing in the Top 100 of several Amazon categories. That wouldn’t have happened without your formatting work and uploading guidance.”
Jacqueline Kimball, author of Lindy on the Oregon Trail
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