History, Romance, & Suspense

Discover the captivating world of
Mishael Austin Witty’s fiction writing and editing

mishael austin witty author of romance

Author of love stories – traditional and non-traditional. All are Christian-themed, because God is the source of all true love.

historical fiction by mishael austin witty

Amateur genealogist, major fan of history and personal stories. Mishael Austin Witty writes historical fiction stories based on real events and real humans.

Ever since her grandmother handed her an Agatha Christie novel, Mishael Austin Witty has been a lover of cozy mysteries and thrillers. Her suspense fiction draws on this long-time passion.

Insightful, careful proofreading and editing. Over the past decade, Mishael Austin Witty has helped several indie authors give their books a more professional look.


Mon – Fri
8:00 am — 6:00 pm

8:00 am — 5:00 pm



[email protected]

(502) 202-2270

Let’s Connect

How can I HelP YOU?

Questions about writing? Editing?
See below for more information and prices.
Email or contact me on Facebook through the button below to get started.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer a free sample edit?

Yes, I do! I want you to be sure you and I will be the right team. I will edit the first 2,500 words of any document that has more than 25,000 words for free. If your document has fewer than 25,000 words, I will edit the first 10%. If you like the sample edit, we’ll talk about the next steps for getting your book in the best possible shape.

When will my edit be complete?

I can edit about 5,000 words per day. So, if you send me a short story or blog post, I’ll likely have it back to you within a day or two. A novella or short nonfiction books will take about a week. Short novels or longer nonfiction books (up to 65,000 words) will take two to three weeks. Longer novels (up to 100,000 to 150,000 words) will take about a month.

Do you offer a sample chapter?

Yes! Just like with my editor/client relationships, I want to build confidence and trust with my ghostwriting clients. You provide me with your story outline (or even just a main idea), and I will send you a sample chapter (all meat/no fluff).

Do you ghostwrite nonfiction, in addition to fiction?

Absolutely! I write it all. To get a feel for both my fiction and nonfiction voices, check out my profile on

What’s your turnaround for ghostwriting?

  • Short blog posts and stories (1,000 words or less) – 1 day
  • Long posts and stories (up to 3,000 words) – 2 to 3 days
  • Novella and short nonfiction reads (20-30,000 words) – 2 weeks
  • Short novels and longer nonfiction works (up to 65,000 words) – 4 weeks
  • Long novels (up to 150,000 words) – 8 weeks

Thank you for all your hard work.

“You helped bring my story to life, ensuring Mia and Henry jumped off the page in a way that made sense for the reader. I love all the suggestions you made for my timeline adjustments.”


Sylvia Stein, author of Chasing Clarity

Amazing explanation!

“It is obvious that the author thoroughly investigated this subject. I agree with her that it cannot be 100% proved, not in this life anyway, but I can’t imagine anyone coming any closer. And she explains it in a way that I can understand!”


N. Kees, Amazon review of Her Seed: Why Jesus Had to Have Mary’s DNA

My work is now ready for submission

“Thank you for everything you have done for me. Your edit improved the language of my paper significantly while retaining my intended meaning. I now feel that I can confidently submit my manuscript to any journal.”


Anonymous ESL client of Editage

Your edit was superior

“Although I appreciated the job you did on my edit, I ended up going with another editor who had stronger industry connections. I regretted that decision, however, when she changed some things I thought were crucial to the story. I showed her edit to some publishers, and they all suggested I change it back to the way you had it. I want you to edit all my books from now on!”


San Dee Wright Crabtree, author of Never Poor and Beatrice

Right for a long night

“While working on a degree in pastoral counseling, we were made to watch movies and read books that dealt with specific types of human trauma. The author of this book hit the menagerie of human emotions dead on with this one. If you ever had a bad breakup, you may be able to recognize some of the pain and confusion the main character deals with as she tries to go home for Christmas and finds her family stacked against her and for her soon to be “X”. I appreciate that this story has strong passionate human interaction without blatant over descriptive content. Thanks, Mishael, for a book a pastor can recommend.”


JAG, Amazon review of Believe in Me

Great to work with!

“Mishael cheerfully responded to my revision request and sent me the perfect short story excerpt to include in my ACT test prep book in a timely manner. The quality of her work was worth even more than I paid.”


Josh McKay, The Test Experts

Blog Posts and Stories

Ghostwritten or edited


New customers get a 20% discount

This is also a great option for those novelists with a limited budget. You can send one chapter (or more, depending on how long they are) at a time.
A pay-as-you-go edit/ghostwrite.

most popular!

Novellas, Novels, and Nonfiction up to 65,000 words


Save 15%

New customers get a 20% discount

best value!

Novels and Nonfiction up to 150,000 words


Save 50%

New customers get a 20% discount

*After you approve the sample edit, I will ask you to send 25% down before the editing begins.
Halfway through the edit, I will invoice you for the next 50%. When the edit is complete, I will ask for the last 25%.
Note: This policy only applies to jobs that take more than one day. For the shorter jobs, the full $50 will be due upfront.